Thursday, April 28, 2011

sugar free update

I have been meaning to write this update for so long now! Ohhhh my! What a can of worms I opened up with this sugar free thing!
I have fallen of the wagon so many times, and keep trying to climb on. I actually feel like I am being dragged behind the wagon, hog tied!!
It is the hardest thing to over come. I have concluded that there is no overcoming it. We live in a society where sugar is rubbed in our faces every day.
If I did not have to face making all of Matthew's baked goods, I might actually succeed at sugar free. But when I turn up to school and a mom has brought cupcakes to school for their kid's birthday, I always feel that I have to make sure that Matthew has something comparable to eat. And since you can't usually buy a GF cupcake just anywhere, that means I have to make them. Then I have to eat them. Of course no one is holding a gun to my head making me stuff cake down my throat. And no one is making me dip my hand into the kid's easter basket desperately searching for a straggling little chocolate egg. But it gets hard to resist.
There would not have been enough money in the world to hold me back from eating sugar in Paris! What a thought!

Being sugar free means having a huge diet mentality. Maybe when my kids leave home I might actually be successful at this! in the mean time I am going to practice moderation...
Oh, and if I do not say it enough, I have a great husband! xx

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