Sunday, October 4, 2009

Soccer Dogs

Soccer Dogs

There have been many times that Matty’s physiotherapist from CFA has insisted that Matthew needs to be involved in some kind of team sport. Every time she says it I think in my mind, “ how is Matt going to play in team sports???” Sure, he loves to kick a ball, he loves to run around, he loves running after other kids…for about 5 minutes. Then his attention span drops off and he starts looking for ways to escape. He might wander off or start spinning around in circles. Or he will get the idea to distract the adults by running off and doing the exact opposite of what they want him to do. I just could not see any kind of team activity going well.

So she sent me some information for Soccer Dogs, and organization for kids with special needs. She told me she has another child on her caseload that just loves it. I had a quick look thru the information and passed some emails back and forth with a woman named Barbara and we were signed up.

So Saturday morning we turned up to the field were we were told to go, at John Oliver School.  As we drove up we saw various kids and parents in bright uniforms heading to the meeting spot. Matthew was immediately nervous and overwhelmed and started pulling me back to the car. So I assured him it would be all right and picked him up so he would feel safer. The first person I spoke to as I approached was your typical soccer mom type. Abby was bright and inviting which immediately put me at ease. She pointed me in the direction of Barbara, who was getting every one organized with their uniforms and such. Once we got Matthew into a uniform, which was surprisingly easy, we were introduced to Barry, Matty’s one on one volunteer for the hour. Barry immediately got Matthew engaged with the ball and attempted to take him out to the field for a warm up.  Matthew stuck to Paul’s side like glue, so Paul spent the hour on the field with the kids. Future soccer coach, I think! Even though Simon is too young to play he was out there kicking the balls around. There was no way to get him off the field! Soccer Dogs takes kids from age 4 on, but Barbara saw the talent in Simon and said he could play in the spring! 
We even ran into some friends!

Once I got my own bearings I was able to take a good look around and see what was going on. There were at least 80 children of various sizes and various abilities, with about 40 volunteers. And every single child was happy and smiling, including Matthew. Not only were the kids smiling, but the parents were relaxed and smiling too. I felt like I had been transported to a world full of angels and that Matthew’s disabilities were immaterial!

There was a game going on between the older kids in the far field, while the younger kids kicked the balls around with the volunteers.  There were nets, balls, uniforms, and cleats, all supplied to the kids. All the kids got a snack at the end of the hour and there was coffee for the parents with a small donation. The whole thing was so well organized and much larger then I expected. All we have to do is give a deposit of $50, which we get back at the end of the season.

So now on a lazy Sunday afternoon I am at my computer steeling a few moments away from my family. I have had a chance to go thru the Soccer Dogs web site, which is very well organized and professional looking. I realize as I read about the mom that started it all that ‘typical soccer mom’ is THE mom! Reading Abby’s story of how she came to start Soccer Dogs sent me into tears! I will let you all read if for yourselves. It is a heroic story of how one mom can change things so profoundly while advocating for her own child.  

So sorry for the poor pictures! But once Matthew sees the camera its all over! So we had to focus on game play, rather then taking good pictures!

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