Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My First Post

Welcome to my new blog! This is the very first post for Bumps and Bruises. In this blog you will find a place full of useful, and maybe not so useful, information.
This is a blog for moms. If you have a child with special needs, or allergies, or maybe just typical children in not so typical situations, you may find something here to interest you.
I might not know much about much, but I do know a little about a little! I don’t fancy myself a writer, as many in my family are. The mere thought of writing a blog used to send me into a spiral of self doubt. I come from a line of smarty pants siblings who themselves write blogs, and read really big books with really big words. I have always been more of a practical girl. I like to indulge in hand crafts and I once had aspirations of being a fashion designer. Sometimes I still do and I have fantasies of competing on Project Runway! I am a mom of two little boys. My older boy, Matthew 4 1/2, has many health issues and suffers from ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).  His birth sent me on this new journey of learning things I never thought I would know, that most mothers never know. And my younger son, Simon 2 ½ yrs, is as typical as they get.  Together they form a formidable team focused on driving their parents insane! And I must say, they are doing a fantastic job of it!
A year ago Matthew had open heart surgery to repair a congenital heart defect. This was a difficult time, but it sparked a fire inside me to reach out and support motherhood. Before this time, and even now on not so good days, I find myself wondering what I was thinking, having children. Why did I sign up up for this constant sacrifice of self? I look in the mirror and see my aging, tired face and barely a flicker of the girl I once was. I have been trying to lose the same 30 pounds for two years. It is rare to get a full night sleep. I am surrounded by clutter and toys, laundry, dishes and a list of ‘to do’s’ as long as my arm.
On good days I remember that little fire inside me, the one that tells me that motherhood is the single most important thing that women can do to change the world. Raising happy, confidant, loving, healthy children ensures a brighter future for the world.  So in the spirit of the later, I write this blog to remind myself to stay positive, to focus on what I am good at, giving unsolicited advice, and to leave the the rest by the wayside.
My lofty goal for this blog is to be a place full of information to help moms be moms, and to give encouragement, and sometimes just a little distraction from the every day. My hope is to collect guest writers along the way and to create a community of support for mothers who are stretched thin and feeling weary. There may be recipes, diet tips for children, medical information and thoughts on raising children in difficult circumstances.  There may even be some make up tips and ‘find time for yourself’ tips!


Anonymous said...

I think you write beautifully and I am so excited you're writing this blog...amazing job!
xx k

Bird said...

Just keep writing straight from the heart and you'll always find Mothers following -- and even Grandmothers!
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Your new blog speaks well of you and your boys. Integrity Humility and Grace. Your voice will without doubt be welcome in the world of Moms. And the rest of us.

Briana said...

Good for you Buffy! You're off to a good start, and I look forward to future posts. Glad you didn't let the 'smarty pants' intimidate you!