Friday, September 18, 2009

Beauty is more then skin deep

I was going to write my second post on how to introduce your child to a gluten free diet, but then I turned my TV on to the new Dr. Oz show and immediately changed my mind. I have been looking forward to this show since he first announced he was going to do it. I just love Dr. Oz. I love all the gross details about our bodies that he is willing to discuss on television!
His guest today is Tim Gun, the host of Project Runway, and an educator for FIT in NY. Dr. Oz introduced him by saying that how women feel about themselves is so closely linked to how they feel they look. That beauty can make a woman feel better about herself and therefore impact her overall health. I could not agree more! This is what I am all about! Tim was helping women who have gone thru chemotherapy for breast cancer to update their look and get some of their groove back after such an assault on their health.
I spent many years working in the cosmetics industry. What I loved most about the job was getting a women in my chair, teaching her something about how to enhance her beauty, and actually seeing the spark in her eye when she was pleased with what she saw looking back at her in the mirror. I think I actually would get high off this some times. To know that I positively impacted someone’s day and made her feel great about her self was a real trip!

I myself have been trying to give myself a makeover, from the inside out! There have been so many days when I dropped my kids off at pre school after a no sleep night, with bags under my eyes, no makeup, greasy hair and clothes that I pulled from a pile on the floor.  I was staying up too late at night watching some frivolous TV, thinking I was having my ‘me’ time. I would lay around during the day thinking I was resting because I didn’t get enough sleep the night before. I would do the bare minimum to get thru the day on survival mode. My hair looked bad, my skin looked bad and I felt bad.
I gave myself permission to give up on myself because looking after my children took so much time and energy.  What took me a while to realize is just how intensely my poor care of my self was related to the care of my family. I used to think if I could become more self-sacrificing that I would benefit my family.  If I don’t spend money, don’t spend time, don’t spend energy, that there would be more for them.

What I know now is that this is just a big lie. It is time to really understand what ‘looking after yourself ‘ really means. I used to think it meant buying new clothes, wearing make up and getting a massage. But what it should mean is eating right, getting as much sleep as possible (in some other universe, right?), exercise, and most importantly, indulging in something you are passionate about.  Wearing a little make up and a new dress doesn’t hurt either! How you treat yourself will teach your children how to treat you, and essentially, how they will treat themselves when they grow up.


Anonymous said...

Again, such beautiful are beautiful inside and out. It's hard, sometimes, to take care of ones self, when you're trying to take care of children, or trying to work. But you're right! If you take some time for yourself and feel good, then you will become much stronger...well said - again.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness sister-- you are soooo right! Also - I am soo proud of you for sharing. It is soo important for us to see our worth and NOT listen to the lies that infiltrate and sometimes fill our heads. I too am trudging along on the path of " investing in me", as a single parent it can be really tough to find the energy, time and resources to do this BUT I know that if I do -- my children will benefit from having a more healthy, happy mom. I am desiring to find that balance body , mind and spirit. Little steps, will start me on the path to getting there. Thanks for sharing -- keep on writing! You are very gifted!